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EPEAT Initiatives

EPEAT Initiatives
Life Cycle Assessment and Product Carbon Footprint

We carried out the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of EPEAT registered products to calculate and evaluate their environmental impact. The GHG(greenhouse gas) emissions generated during the product cycle, including the procurement of parts, the manufacturing process, the use and the disposal of the products have also been measured.
The results of LCA of each product can be found below.

Corporate Carbon Footprint

We calculated Corporate Carbon Footprint (Scope 1, 2 and 3)* of EIZO and our consolidated companies. Results for fiscal 2022 can be found here. The results have been verified by a third-party organization.

GHG emission measurements may differ from those in the other documents due to differences in calculation conditions and scope.

  1. ※Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organization (e.g., emissions associated with fuel combustion in boilers, furnaces, vehicles).
  2. ※Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions that occur from using electricity, heat, or steam.
  3. ※Scope 3: All sources not within an organization’s scope 1 and 2 boundary (purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, business travel, employee commuting, use of sold products, investments etc.)

GHG(Greenhouse Gas) Emissions from Transportation

We calculated the amount of GHG emissions generated during the transportation of EPEAT registered products from the factory to customers.
The results for fiscal year 2022 can be found here. The results have been verified by a third-party organization.

By fiscal year 2030, we aim to reduce GHG emissions generated from transportation by 5% per monitor compared to fiscal year 2021 for U.S. domestic transportation.

By fiscal year 2031, we aim to reduce GHG emissions generated from transportation by 5% per monitor compared to fiscal year 2022 for Germany, Austria, Netherland, and Belgium domestic transportation.

Annual summary (U.S.)

Items FY2021(Base year) FY2022
Total transport quantity [pcs] 13,729 18,219
Total transport weight [ton] 126.723 181.238
GHG emission [kg-CO₂e] 85,632 148,649
GHG emissions per product [kg-CO₂e] 6.24 8.16
Reduction rate [%] - +30.8

Summary of FY2022
GHG emission increased by 30.8% compared to FY2021 (base year). This is largely due to the reassign in the US road emissions intensity factor (kg-CO₂e/t-km). In the future, we will continue to improve the accuracy of calculation by choosing more practical intensity factors, as well as by modal shifts and more efficient transportation (including reductions in product packaging size and weight).

Supplier Environmental Performance

The LCD module is the part that emits the most CO₂ among the materials making up the products. EIZO closely monitors the environmental performance of LCD module suppliers for EPEAT registered products.

  1. Water usage
  2. Energy consumption
  3. GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2)

The aggregated environmental performance data on LCD module suppliers for EPEAT registered products are below.

LCD Module Supplier Environmental Performance in 2022

Water Usage
128,360,034 m3
Energy Consumption
85,758.8 TJ
GHG Emissions (Scope 1)
1,228,407 tCO₂eq
GHG Emissions (Scope 2)
6,909,576 tCO₂eq

The audit result of socially responsible manufacturing (OHS) for 2022

  1. acilities: EIZO Corporation / EIZO MS Corporation Hakui factory / EIZO MS Corporation Nanao factory
  2. Country: Japan

NC: Nonconformities

Section Number of NC NC Rate (%) Closure Rate (%) Number of Repeat NC Repeat NC Rate (%)
a) OHS management system describing context of the organization 0 0 NA NA NA
b) Leadership and worker participation including OHS Policy, Roles, Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Authorities. 0 0 NA NA NA
c) Risk and hazard identification and assessment and determination of applicable OHS legal requirements and other OHS requirements and risks, including related actions and objectives to address them. 0 0 NA NA NA
d) Provision of resources competence and awareness, information and communication and documented information. 0 0 NA NA NA
e) Operational planning and control including operational controls that apply to outsourcing, procurement and contractors, emergency preparedness and response and change management. 0 0 NA NA NA
f) Performance evaluation including internal audits, monitoring and measurement, analysis and evaluation and management review. 0 0 NA NA NA
g) Incidents, nonconformities and corrective action, continual improvement of objectives and processes 0 0 NA NA NA

Note: EIZO conducts a risk analysis by surveying suppliers annually to determine their OHS compliance. EIZO does not report the data for supplier facilities because there were no suppliers with unacceptable risks on 2022 survey results.